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About Us

How Ocule started and the team behind it

Ocule is a cybersecurity company specializing in anti-bot and anti-fraud solutions. Our journey began when our founders successfully built a purchase automation company during their university days. This experience exposed them to the world of cybersecurity and the glaring inadequacies of existing solutions, often burdened with high costs.

From this firsthand experience, we identified a critical gap in the market. We saw the need for a cybersecurity product accessible to businesses of all sizes, not just the giants, and one that could genuinely thwart determined attackers without breaking the bank. Our mission at Ocule is clear: to provide affordable, powerful protection in the ever-evolving landscape of digital threats.

Our Team

The passionate individuals behind Ocule.

  • Ben Bicknell

    Co-Founder / CEO

    Previously co-founded an automation company that produced 7 figure annual profits. Spent many years reverse engineering solutions built by huge companies, now works on obfuscation and virtualisation.

  • Josh Bicknell

    Co-Founder / CTO

    Previously co-founded an automation company that produced 7 figure annual profits. Automated purchase processes for 50+ different websites, reverse engineered and bypassed various different top-level website security systems including Javascript challenges and captchas.

  • Hugo Hafner

    Chief of Engineering

    Developed automated marketing pipeline for real-time notifications to 100k+ concurrent users. Previously led SaaS cloud infrastructure migration, achieving 80-85% cost reduction.

  • Mike Hearn

    Technical Advisor

    Previously a senior software engineer and tech lead at Google, where he worked for around eight years on Maps/Earth, Gmail anti spam, signup abuse and login security. Built Google BotGuard and was also one of the earliest Bitcoin users and developers.

Our Values

The principles we strive to uphold in the bot management world.

Build everything dynamic

Traditional bot management uses static scripts which only need to be defeated once. At Ocule we understand the importance of polymorphism; every part of our system is built to be dynamic and serve scripts that mutate on every request.

Think from an attacker's perspective

Our core team contains multiple experienced reverse engineers who have built Ocule to be as difficult to defeat for an attacker at every step of the way. We know the tricks of the trade and have the experience necessary to protect your website where others have failed.

Make attacks too costly

If attacking a website becomes too costly, the vast majority of attackers will give up or move on to an easier target. We aim to drive up the entry cost to attacking websites via a combination of dynamic code, browser challenges and machine learning based detection algorithms.